Fantasise, praise, suggest: 3 ways to open up your partner
5 years ago
If you have some fantasies that you would like to make true with your partner and he is not interested in making your sex life more interesting, don’t hurry to find another partner. You can start the fire of passion, just work on this a little bit.
What to do if your partner is more shy than you? We’ll discuss this problem in this article.
It’s a normal situation when one partner is more emancipated in sex than the other one. And it doesn’t mean that your man is an outsider talking about sex games. There are some moments that don’t let him open up his sexual potential. Maybe later he’ll become more free and some psychological blocks will go away. But if you help him, it will happen faster. So what you can do:
Be the first to start this conversation

How to start? Start talking about sex with your man. Do it in a soft way, don’t be persistent. Any couple has conversations about sex. And it doesn’t mean that discuss your sex only, no, you can just exchange some facts or discuss sex poses from movies and etc. The fact that you talk about matters. If you can speak about it, you’ll have more freedom and less restrictions in this field.
Fantasise and suggest

So the first step is done: you started talking about sex. Let’s go to the next step – fantasise and suggest. For example you have an idea to make a role play. But you already had this situation when he is nearly faints when hears about this. Present your idea carefully, step by step. How it can be done: you can give him some clues that you dream about a role-play and start with some easy images and dressing. For example buy a wig and some element of a special suit, out them on like you are playing a role jokingly.
It must look like you wanted to make him glad by this joke and it happened to be interesting. He will see how different you are, you can have several images and notice this moment. Next time add more passion to this joke and kiss or embrace him. And this way you can make the rate passion higher each time with your innocent dressings.
Don’t criticise and praise

Don’t make him feel ashamed, don’t criticise and don’t joke about his being shy. Otherwise you can forget about passionate sex because you lose his trust. He starts thinking that it’s better not to open to you – you will laugh at him. And if he won’t be able to be frank with you in intimate aspects, he won’t be frank in any of them.